
Taeyang in North Hollywood(fan acc)♛

t was brief (though that won't stop me from writing an overly wordy fan account), but needless to say, really really cool.

I got to Harvey Mason's studio in North Hollywood around 3:00pm, and there were already 5 girls waiting in front for him. They were a group of friends all the way from Long Beach who had been waiting since around 2:00, and a few of them were my Fuck Yeah Big Bang Stuff tumblr followers! Small world. It was great to meet you Casey, Melissa, Melina, Laura, and Serena! :D (Sorry if I spelled any of your names wrong). 
It was REALLY hot waiting and standing outside of the studio, but we were determined to stay until he came.
While we were waiting, one of the people who worked at the studio, Dabling, was actually waiting with us, keeping us company. Dab had a camera and wanted to document the whole thing, including our reactions when we saw him, after realizing how much we wanted to see Taeyang. I think it was because he found the whole thing kind of fascinating. 
He told us that he had never really heard of Taeyang before working with him (and he didn't even know of Big Bang before we showed him our albums!), but he thought it was really cool finding out that he had so many devoted fans. We met a few other people that worked at the studio during our wait, and all of them were really nice and impressed with our devotion LOL.
Dab told us that Taeyang was supposed to arrive around 2, and that he didn't know why he wasn't there yet. 
He said that Taeyang seemed pretty soft-spoken and not completely fluent in English, but that he was really nice and talented. An hour or so into the wait, he said, "I'm sorry guys, he cancelled." He was messing around with us, but all of us girls FREAKED for a minute thinking that he was serious. One of the girls even cried, which Dab anxiously captured on camera lol. 
Finally around 4:30-5, he came! Dab had told us that he'd be arriving in a black Cadillac Escalade, and when it finally came, Taeyang actually opened the window and stuck his torso out and waved. As much as we had talked about trying to keep our cool when he arrived, we couldn't help but all scream when we saw him waving.
He got out of the car and asked if we wanted autographs, and all of us said yes right away. 
At this point though, all of us were completely speechless that he was actually in front of us, and it was really quiet for most of the time he was signing our things for us (we all regretted this afterward, but we were just too starstruck to really think of anything to say or what to do). He asked for each of our names for the things he signed for us and was careful to get the spelling right.

I mumbled in Korean asking him if he could write both my Korean and English name, and he was happy to do so. He wrote both along with his signature on my Big Bang 4th mini-album and my photo of him that I brought:

We all wanted individual pictures with him and for him to stay out longer with us, but the staff and Taeyang all insisted that we could only have 1 group picture with him that Dab would take on his camera (and email to us right away) before he would have to go inside to start working. We gathered in for a group picture, and Taeyang told us, "Come closer!" to scoot him closer to him after stretching his arms around us for the picture (squeal). 
It turns out that I came out HORRIBLE in the group picture, but oh well ;__; We said thank you and goodbye to Taeyang, and he headed inside the studio with everyone. A bummer about no individual pictures or hugs, but we just saw Taeyang, so we were all happy nevertheless. I still can't believe I saw Taeyang, a member of Big Bang, in real life while he was in the US, and I'm honestly still kind of in disbelief as I type this (yes, I'm a loser, I know).
Well, 1 down, 4 to go ;)


