the first thing he asked me was “Are you Japanese!?” lol and then gave my mom a hug while saying “I LOVE YOU!” and the same to me too but patted my head too
i asked for an autograph,he signed it with my name and after took a picture! while checking the picture he was next to me looking at it too and patted my head again ;A; after he hugged me again and patted my head again and left and told me thank you<3 ill write a real fan account soon, but it was an amazing day!!

From Bakanishela:
- today was so much fun!! met Taeyang o_o he hugged me soo tight b4 he left!! got his autograph..^^surpised to see me n my frends ovr there..
- cant forget Taeyang's face when he found out we were there to see him.. LOL~ sooo *priceless* xDD he was soo kewL n very nice guy!!^^
- here a pic with Taeyang (@realtaeyang) he's such a nice guy:
