두둥!!! 와쥐빼밀리 일본팬분들! 주목! 내일 아침! 거미,세븐,빅뱅 선배님들과 함께 투애니원이 일본에 갑니다!!! 와이지 빼밀리 총출동! 과연 뭐하러 가는걸까요?!? +.+ 김포에서 출발하여 도쿄로 가는 와이지 빼밀리빼밀리빼밀리~ 미나상! 아소비마쇼~!^_^
Translation: Dudung!!! YG Family fans in Japan! Attention! Tomorrow morning! 2NE1 will be going to Japan with the seniors, Gummy, Seven, and Big Bang!!! YG Family going all out! What would we really do when we go there?!? +.+ Departing from Gimpo to Tokyo, YG Family Family Family~ *Everybody! Let’s play~*! ^_^P/S:: *She actually said, “Minna san, asobi mashou!” which is Japanese for “Everybody, let’s play” in English. Problem is, she typed them in Korean, not Japanese, so I was like O____O WTH. LOL! OMG!! YGFamily in Japan! omg! Can't wait for them, Who's excited here?!^^
Updated! Info~
2NE1, BIGBANG, Gummy & Se7en are flying tomorrow to Tokyo for a Big Announcement. The Ustream will air Tomorrow at 3:00PM. Stream here!:~ @ustream
source: BBW + BBUV