Last night me and a few friends were told that Big Bang (BB) were going to be at the airport this morning. So... We decided to go and see them! lol From what we heard, they were supposed to be leaving for Queenstown at 8am this morning but when we arrived, most flights going down to the South Island were cancelled due to severely bad weather. BB came to shoot a new 'The North Face' CF and so they were supposed to transit this morning.
Only me and one other friend went this morning but we were really lucky their flight got cancelled. Otherwise we would've missed them cos we were running late lol But when we got there BB wasn't at the Domestic airport... In fact, they were at the International. So we were running mad to get to the other side but luckily we got info that they were coming back to the Domestic.
BB and the staff were at the just waiting endlessly at an ale house inside the airport. Me and my friend were sitting just a table away from the group and were really shy so we didn't know what to do lol This was the first time anything like this had happened to us... After convincing ourselves that they won't be mean to us (haha) we got some paper and walked up to them. I asked Seungri first but got his autograph for my friend who's absolutely in love with him lol Then I went to T.O.P, Taeyang and GD at the end. When GD was signing my name, I was like "you spelt it wrong" and so he was like "oh..." and wrote "Sorry." on the page LMAO

I was so nervous that I couldn't ask anything but my friend managed to share some words with them. Actually Seungri asked her what's good food in NZ and she answered Fish and Chips lol Taeyang seemed to be really tired cos he wasn't too friendly (but not saying he was mean!), but the rest smiled and seemed really nice. After getting autographs we moved to the barstool to watch the tv and had our backs facing them. Seungri soon moved to the counter and waited in the queue to be served. He was waiting to get his muffins lol And my friend was there too so she offered to buy him a coffee (what the heck lol) but nothing happened haha Then guess what...

Taeyang came and sat 3 chairs away from my friend's side and played on his iPad. Then he started looking for a wallplug to charge it but the plug was on my side of the table. He had the wrong adapter so I asked if he needed help but he said no lol Anyways, he left his iPad right next to me on the table and went to look for an adapter. When he came back....... He........ He.................... Sat RIGHT NEXT TO ME. /dies..
I was so stunned that I didn't know what to do - don't even remember how I breathed lol He just casually sat there with his Dr.Dre headphones and played some car racing game. Seungri was first sitting on the couch but secondly he laid flat on it lol He must've been tired. He got up after a while but went back to sleep again. Seemed like he was dead lmao
I seriously didn't know what to do next to Taeyang... We were so close that our jackets were actually touching. Heart attack. Really. I think we sat there for about half an hour when another friend came running from home to see them lol She got autographs too then another friend came lol

While we were sitting there T.O.P was away for a while cos I think I heard he went to get Subway with some staff members. GD was with the female staff and played on his macbook. Taeyang and Seungri occasionally moved to that table.
After a while our group moved to a different table (still only 3 footsteps away!) but then the staff members all huddled to one table cos they were trying to block us from taking photos. I wasn't obvious but they did keep staring this way...lol Fair enough.
I think we were there for about two hours when the group started moving - they rescheduled their flight to tomorrow and has to stay in Auckland for the night. We didn't stalk after them so we don't have a clue on what time they're leaving but whoever's keen to go, good luck...lol
They're flying back to Auckland later this week and head back to Korea.

TOP's Signature!~

Taeyang's signature!

G-Dragon's signature!

Seungri's signature!

source:BBW + BBUV