
LG Mini Big Concert Fan Account [FAN ACCOUNT]♛

I think I should write something about what I have seen today== If I write what I have actually seen, perhaps I will make people sad.

  Kwon Jiyong went out with a pair of sunglasses and he was in black. He took off his sunglasses later but he put on a hat== We were all amazed by how amazing he looked!! However, he seemed to be so weak when he was greeting us-- Maybe this is only me who thought like this. Personally, I think he is the one who is affected the most by the incident of Daesung and he did not bother to hide his sadness. Perhaps it is out of the responsibility of his being the leader, anyway I could not see he smiled much today. Even when he was smiling, he just smiled a little.
   During the Q and A session, there was a part when MC asked some questions, then the boys had to select some fans to answer them. I saw there was a banner on which ' Seungri ah, you are the best'. When it was the turn of G- Dragon, he said, ' just let the fan of Seungri answer it.' I was so happy at that time. (because i ship Gri) However, later I saw that Seungri was making a gesture besides G- Dragon: (He asked the fan) Put it down. Put it (banner) down. Then he swift his hand over his neck and made some facial expressions to hint the fan. That is why I could not see the banner anymore later and then I started to sense that there are something bad happening.

  I heard from the fans who were sitting at the front rows, G Dragon was teary eyed and he had dropped his tears. Later, he even swung out his ring. After this incident, the stage performance seemed to have become a bit dramatic. Hm, whenever Taeyang and others patted his shoulders or did other stuff in front of him, he was still only smiling slightly.

  Today, Taeyang was asked a question, ' if you were a girl, whom do you want to have a date with?' Then, he laughed and said, 'this question is such a cliche!' Then Seungri said, 'let me ask the questions. Taeyang, where did you buy this cute cap?' (I cannot remember it very clearly now, it seemed to be like it.) Then, Taeyang answered it shyly.

  Finally, the MC asked Seungri, 'so where did you buy this pair of cute glasses?' Seungri said it is a pair of glasses with no glasses attached . Then, Tabi suddenly rushed to his side and did a gesture of looking like he was going to pinch his own eyes out.

  They were singing 'La La La', 'Sunset Glow' 'Haru Haru' etc in the middle of the concert. They performed songs which beatbox is involved and nearly all of the parts of beatbox were done by Seungri!! He was really awesome!! We all said we wanted to listen to 'La La La' so badly but == They have not sung it for a long time already so it seemed that they have forgotten the lyrics and even the lyrics seemed not to be so familiar to them.

  When they were taking a break in the middle of the show, the MC asked the fans who was confident about their dancing skills or who has some special skills. Then, there was a fan coming up on the stage. When the male fan walked on the stage, there were screaming everywhere in the venue, 'Daesung!!' I was shocked when I had the first glance of him too. He looks really alike with Daesung. Not only his eyes but also his expression and the way that he danced looked a bit alike with Daesung. When I was watching his performance, I felt like crying.

  When it was the Q and A session, Seungri sang songs about raining and G Dragon smiled. I thought this was the biggest smile that has even spreaded on his face ever since the show started. I dared not to look into G-Dragon's eyes later. He was so sad and he did not cover up his emotion. Perhaps it is because he recalled what had happened on him before. The other three members were trying hard to spice up the atmosphere. When they were performing 'Last Farewell', Tabi changed his gestures from moving his hands upward to downward, Taeyang was amused by him. Tabi also tried to make Seungri smile later.

  Someone asked Tabi question like which member he did miss most. I felt the atmosphere was kind of dead at that time. Everyone seemed to be silent. Then, Tabi answered , 'I miss every member.' (I do not remember it very clearly) Anyway, when it came to the end of the show, the name of Daesung was not mentioned at all. However, in the parts which Daesung should appear, there were only Seungri and G-Dragon holding their shoulders with each other without the smiling Daesung emerging from anywhere...

  It rained cats and dogs today. Waiting is painful and coupling with the incident of Daesung, everyone was sad... I really thought it was exceptionally sad in this kind of days. There were so many VIPs who had been waiting outside the venue starting from the night before. Nights of these days are really cold.  After the concert had started, I don't know whether it is because they were so happy to see us again. G- Dragon could not hold back his sadness and solemness. The other three gave me a feeling that they were forcing their smiles out. Whenever I think of it, I feel sad.

  It seemed there are dance steps of 'kudos on the floor' when they were performing 'Lies'. When they had done the 'kudos', the four boys all looked so sad. It looked like all of them had so much to burden in their hearts but they were still trying to spice up the air. I felt depressed when watching them acting like this. They were so unhappy themselves but they still tried to care about our feelings. Seungri was trying to imitate Tabi. I was relieved a bit when watching his imitation. Taeyang was helping G- Dragon to sing several 'say' (lyrics) when the latter could not do so.

  I did not remember which song it was. I think it was one of the last songs, the fans who were standing in front of me just screamed ,' Daesung!' I was standing at the back, then there was a group of people pushing forward since they wanted to see whether Daesung was really here. After the show, I thought, it is because we all wanted to see him so badly so whenever we saw anyone who resembled him, we were so emotional...

  When they were delivering their concluding speech, it seems to be a habit that we would ask them to 'encore' and we did so too. There was a vip said Taeyang casted a glance at G- Dragon and the latter shook his head a bit. We were a bit disappointed but we really did not ask for it anymore and let them go silently.

   There were VIPs said G-Dragon was taking deep breaths when he was in the part of which Daesung should perform in 'Tonight'. When they were performing 'Love Song', all of the four members were hiding in a shade. Not only the expression of G-Dragon was not good but also those of other members. When they were performing 'Stupid Liar', nobody were counting the rhythm and doing the 'hitting head' moves as usual. They did follow the steps later but they seemed to be sadder then.

   I have just had a look of the fancam that taken by myself. G-Dragon said, ' I thank LG OPTIMOUS for providing the stage for us. I am so happy for it. I hope we can meet you in this way frequently in the future. Next time, we will perform in a group of five. In fact, you all have done so well already.'

Via:Baidu +bigbangupdates + BIGBANG UPDATES VIP

